Give Thanks Always – Here’s Why

why-give-thanks“Where you are, Just as you are.” The article title from Chip and Joanna Gaines debut Magnolia Journal magazine jumped off the page, as I was standing in line for Thanksgiving groceries. So many times in our American abundance, instant technology replies and social media comparisons, it’s so easy to think that the greener pastures are on the other side of the fence, just beyond our reach. We’ll be happier when we have… That perfect job. A promotion. A new house. A baby. The end of toddler days. The kids to graduate. Prince (or Princess) Charming. Better health. A healing. A raise. Retirement. That finished project. A new ________ (fill in the blank.)

Why is that?! If you’re at all like me (and I’m guessing I’m not alone), so often I’m in a rush for the next thing, that I miss all the beauty, the blessings, the joy, the life around me.

This year has given me a unique opportunity to slow down a bit, shift gears and just…Be. It has gone nothing as I had planned or anticipated, BUT, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The chance to get off the hamster wheel of life, to rest, to enjoy family, to enjoy longtime and new friends, to explore new ventures and new interests, to cut out things that I’ve either outgrown or were no longer “bearing fruit,” to grow personally and spiritually have been…nothing other than amazing.

Yes, I’ve had my days, tempted to stay stuck in pity parties. But, I choose joy. The truth is, seasons change. I can feel this one coming to an end, and I want to squeeze every drop of goodness out of this season of blessings, lessons, growth, rest and newness.

Let me encourage you today. Holidays often can be tough for many: missing dear ones who have passed on, relocations and other continuous life changes. But stop and look around. Don’t forget all the blessings you have right here, right now. Today. And for the dailies, don’t spend your days wishing them away for something that is to come. It will come in time. Gather the lessons of the season. Rest. Be stretched. Grow in this time. Make moments and memories. Don’t miss the precious times you have right now. Because, yes, my dear, things will change.

So on this week to focus on giving thanks, try it out. The benefits are rich! SO incredible, in fact, gratitude just might become a new, life-changing, every day tradition you embrace and anticipate. Check out how Thanks-giving benefits your body, all documented by research:

  • Gives an overall feeling and sense of being healthier
  • Stimulates better health habits and taking better care of the body – exercise and eating well
  • Lowers stress, even dropping cortisol levels by 23%
  • Protects the heart, decreasing blood pressure and heart rate variability
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces aches and pains
  • Improves sleep—deeper and longer (spend just 15 minutes focusing on some “thanks” before bed)
  • Promotes happiness
  • Lowers depression
  • Replaces toxic emotions (envy, retaliation, frustration, regret)
  • Inspires more sensitivity and compassion toward others
  • Builds relationships and opens doors for communication
  • Boosts self-esteem (in athletes this is essential for optimal performance)
  • Reduces “comparing to others”
  • Helps overcome trauma (war vets and 9/11)
  • Encourages optimistic outlook
  • Enhances satisfaction in life
  • Impacts brain structure
  • Shifts your focus from “things” to “people”
(Reviewed and summarized from Psychology Today – April 2015 and Harvard Medical School’s Mental Health Letter- Nov 2011. Full references available upon request.)

SO tell me, what are you thankful for? Leave a comment below. Can’t wait to hear your list!